

Temporary storage declaration

(cargo manifest)


  • The Temporary Storage (“TS”) declaration is submitted to customs at the port of unloading.
    For EU cargo, a Proof of Union Status must be made before arrival at the port of departure and submitted via PN upon arrival.


  • Shipping company (direct or via a shipping agent)


  • Belgian Customs


  • Execution of electronic risk analysis by Belgian customs, which may result in an audit (documentary audit, scanning or physical inspection).
  • Declaration for taking the goods in the Temporary Storage Area (“RTO”) of the terminal at discharge.


  • From 30 days before arrival, until discharging of the goods at the terminal in Belgium.


  • The data is collected per Unit (Container, truck, trailer, etc.) by RX/SeaPort and forwarded to customs.
  • The information can be collected via input on the RX Portal, uploading Excel lists, or submitting EDI data. The status information is visible in the dashboard, or can be retrieved via EDI link.
  • Technical details about the data required for this can be requested via

The temporary storage declaration must be submitted for all non-EU goods that are unloaded. This must also be done for goods that are unloaded in the port but then reloaded onto another ship. All goods mentioned in a TS declaration must also be included in the ENS (see step 1 – Summary declaration) on the first (re)entry at a European port.

The declaration is made separately per unit by sending the TS message to Belgian Customs. This declaration contains information about the cargo, the consignor and consignee, and about the transport. A TS declaration can be changed, also after arrival of the goods be it then with a more limited scope. The TS declaration is valid for 30 days, after which it is automatically expired if it has not been activated by a PN.
Proof of European character must also be made and provided for European goods before unloading.

After unloading, and after a successful link between the unloading confirmation (see Discharge Notice) and temporary storage data, confirmation of the inclusion in RTO will be received and the 90 days during which the goods can remain at the RTO will start.
As soon as positive confirmation of the submitted data has been received, the customs broker can request the unique reference in RX/SeaPort with which the follow-up declaration can be drawn up.

T1 shipments

In order to free up the terminals as quickly as possible, the customs office in the relevant port is considered the office of transit for all shipments via RSS (Regular Shipping Service) under T1. The T1 must have been communicated to customs as a previous document via the TS message.

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Track and trace via RX Dashboard

Track&Trace via RX Dashboard

Track and trace via RX Dashboard

Via the RX dashboard the importer, his representative and the haulier receive timely insight into the different statuses of their cargo, via a handy track & trace system. 

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